Daily Archives: March 29, 2013

Dissenting 101

Dissenting 101 was this writer’s sophomore thesis at the University of Maryland.  In addition to a senior thesis, sophomore history majors at the UMD are also expected to produce an extensive paper of individual research.

In this paper, the nationwide student rebellion of the late 1960s and early 1970s is investigated at the University of Maryland, with an eye toward understanding the motives and beliefs of the many student protestors.  This paper was submitted to UMD’s Janus Journal, which publishes ten undergraduate essays each year.  The essay was accepted and published in Janus Journal for the 2010-2011 school year.


This is a reprint of a previous production by Gregory A Nasif. The pictures are iPhotos taken from cutouts of their newspapers, and are the copyrighted materials of those respective papers (cited above). They were presented at the 2011 Janus Journal Reception with the paper, but were not included in the original. If you would like to contact the writer, please email [email protected]

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