
Writing Samples

Humanity Forward:

Clean Water Action:


  • The Diamondback
    • Link to a collection of my 31 op-eds with the University of Maryland’s award-winning independent student newspaper.
  • Washington, Yea! Redskins, Boo!
    • Link to the book America Now, short readings from recent periodicals, by Robert Atwan.  My op-ed from the Diamondback was used in this educational book, on pg. 72.
  • Dissenting 101
    • Link to my website, where I’ve hosted my sophomore thesis.  In 2011, the thesis was awarded a spot in the University of Maryland’s coveted undergraduate Janus Journal

“The real Loh has about 1,300 followers, tweets shout-outs to lawmakers who visit campus and answers questions from students. The fake Loh has about 1,500 followers, tweets about investing the university budget in Mega Millions and launched a 2012 presidential campaign.”

Fake Twitter accounts parody college presidentsThe Washington Post, March 31, 2012
