Monthly Archives: May 2016

President Obama and Understanding Japan

Don’t use ‘sure,’” my regional manager advised me. “Use, ‘I understand.’”

Once upon a time, the regional manager at my former employer paid her monthly visit to our branch. Her goal this time was to try to improve struggling relations between my direct superior and me. Apparently, one of the problems was how I was answering the managers’ directives. “Japanese like, ‘understand.’ Do you understand?”

Yes” I lied. Now, nearly two years later, I think I finally do understand.

U.S. President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the White House, April 28, 2015. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo (source)

U.S. President Barack Obama and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the White House, April 28, 2015. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque/File Photo (source)

This week, for the first time, a sitting American President will visit one of the two Japanese cities obliterated by an atomic bomb. President Obama arrives in Japan on Wednesday for a meeting of the G7 nations, and the White House announced Hiroshima will be on the itinerary shortly thereafter. The President plans to pay respects at Hiroshima’s peace memorial and deliver remarks.

The news mentions ‘critics.’ There don’t seem to be any big names coming down on the president – yet. They needn’t hold their breath. President Obama is making the right decision, and he will be welcomed in Hiroshima as he was long awaited: with an incredible grace and patience unique to the Japanese people.

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Coming Soon…

I just took an abnormal vacation.

Property of Gregory A Nasif

This, according to my tour guide, is the home of the North Korean Parliament:


Property of Gregory A Nasif

“What does the Parliament do in [North] Korea?” I asked her.

She looked befuddled.  “I think the same as in your country,” she responded.

Touché, tour guide.

More blog posts are coming soon.

Photos property of Gregory A Nasif