Tag Archives: Chiang Wat

Moments in Thailand

Thailand was amazing.

From Christmas Day 2015 until January 4th, 2016, my brother Chris, my cousin Eli, myself, and for the latter half Yuu Koyama, trekked a journey through this southeast Asian coastal nation. No, it was more than a trek. It was an epic. And that’s a more accurate use of ‘epic’ than most of you have ever read.

Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai, Thailand

We could achieve world peace if only, somehow, we could muster the resources (and the consent of the Thai people) to send anyone with a violent state of mind on a tour through Thailand. The country has a way of just making you feel good, whether it’s human pleasures or, more importantly, the relaxation and tranquility the people there have a way of transmitting to their visitors.

From how wonderful the people are, how charming life is in Chiang Mai, to how pleasant Thai people are even in the heart of massive, hedonist Bangkok, and how tranquil life is on a beach in Phuket, here are some moments I remember best from my journey through Thailand.

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