Tag Archives: Hummus

You Won’t Find That Here

Today is May 7th, two months to the day since my arrival in Japan. I knew I’d leave behind major comforts in America, yet I wasn’t ready for the blow I received the very first night.

It was March 7th.  After an exhausting journey, our trainer Kyle took my co-trainee and me to a grocery store in Osaka, Japan. Looking around at all the food, thinking of the reasonably comfortable hotel room waiting for me, I felt safe at last.  Proceeding to the open refrigerator, I grabbed the first plastic container of a beige substance I saw. “Great,” I said. “Hummus. Looks like I have breakfast for tomorrow.”

“Hummus?” repeated Kyle. “Yeah, you won’t find hummus here.”

Horrified, I dropped the sweetened soy-paste.

Won’t find hummus?

I thought this was a metropolitan country. There’s an Italian restaurant on every street here, and there’s not a corner in Italy – or any Mediterranean country for that matter – without a kebab stand selling hummus for an extra euro.

“Japan is different,” explained Kyle.  Mercilessly I might add.

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