Tag Archives: Propaganda Village

North Korea in Photos: The DMZ

The Korean Demilitarized Zone was the focus of day three in North Korea, May 2nd, 2016.

Property of Gregory A Nasif

Roughly straddling the 38th parallel, the Korean DMZ is the final result of the Korean War, one of the deadliest conflicts in human history.  The heavily-armed and high-tension borderline between the two Korean nations is open to tours in both Korean nations.  It was a three-hour drive from Pyongyang.

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Korea: According to Ji Yeon

Golden Week is vacation time in Japan. During this nationwide string of holidays in the first week of May I had the opportunity to visit South Korea, with my friends Ian and Seth.

Me, Seoul, Seth.

Left to right: Me, Seoul, Seth.

Korea has a rich culture. The food is delicious, the history is fascinating, the landscapes are stunning, and the girls are beautiful, even if they weren’t all that interested in talking to me. South Koreans may not be happy, however, with the simple fact that the most memorable experience of the trip for me was a daytrip to see the Demilitarized Zone, also known as the DMZ, and the weird country to the north of it. With my own eyes, I looked upon North Korea.

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