Tag Archives: Sand Sodas

Photos from Phuket

Phuket is pronounced poo-ket.  So this post is pronounced “Potos from Pooket.”

This island state in Thailand was a very unique experience for me in this day and age.  Perhaps I’ve lived in Japan for too long – but relaxation almost permanently eludes me here.  Although I try and succeed in traveling often, I am an active traveler.  Those who join me are sometimes frustrated by my aggressive itinerary planning – seeing temples, climbing mountains, riding boats, storming the bars and clubs.  On vacation, every moment is precious to me.  Sitting in hostels using computers is something I am never comfortable doing.

Moreover, Japan is a very busy country, with very little downtime.  Writing, sorting photos, reading, and watching TV or movies/doing laundry or cooking (I combine all of that) generally takes up the rest of the time that I am not with friends.

And the result is, since 2013 or so, I have had extremely little free time.  While I enjoy many of my doings, I had nearly forgotten what it was like to spend three whole days without any plans whatsoever; to just drink and socialize.

Until Phuket.

Here are the photos of that incredible time:

Patong Beach, Phuket

Patong Beach, Phuket

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