Tag Archives: Thailand

Moments in Thailand

Thailand was amazing.

From Christmas Day 2015 until January 4th, 2016, my brother Chris, my cousin Eli, myself, and for the latter half Yuu Koyama, trekked a journey through this southeast Asian coastal nation. No, it was more than a trek. It was an epic. And that’s a more accurate use of ‘epic’ than most of you have ever read.

Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai, Thailand

Wat Phrathat Doi Suthep, Chiang Mai, Thailand

We could achieve world peace if only, somehow, we could muster the resources (and the consent of the Thai people) to send anyone with a violent state of mind on a tour through Thailand. The country has a way of just making you feel good, whether it’s human pleasures or, more importantly, the relaxation and tranquility the people there have a way of transmitting to their visitors.

From how wonderful the people are, how charming life is in Chiang Mai, to how pleasant Thai people are even in the heart of massive, hedonist Bangkok, and how tranquil life is on a beach in Phuket, here are some moments I remember best from my journey through Thailand.

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Bangin’ Photos of Bangkok

That title has probably been abused by millions of internet users.

Here are some photos from our journey through Bangkok.  It was a massive city, with a lot more nighttime activities than daytime ones.  I think we were all in agreement that it would have been nice to trade one day for an extra night, if only Superman could hold the Earth in place for us.

Pictured here are some of Bangkok’s premiere temples and palaces, some New Years celebrations, our canal tour, a Muay Thai training session, and my secret, solo journey to collect Mr. Yuu Koyama from the airport.

We arrived in Bangkok on Monday, December 28th, and departed on the evening of January 1st.

Departing Chiang Mai International Airport

Departing Chiang Mai International Airport

Wat Arun

Wat Arun

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Chiang Mai – The Elephants

CHIANG WAT, CHIANG MAI – On our first full day in Chiang Mai, we visited an Elephant Retirement Park.

Initially I sought to visit a park where we could ride elephants, but my brother Chris pointed out that these establishments have come under intense criticism from animal rights activists.  Chris worked for a zoo and studies the issue extensively.  Deferring to his experience and expertise in animal politics, we instead visited an elephant retirement park a couple hours north of Chiang Mai city.  It was aptly called “Elephant Retirement Park.”

At the park, we fed and bathed several elephants.  Their trainers told us about elephant habits and routines.  One egged on a baby elephant to step on me.

Here are the photos of this unforgettable experience:


Chang Wat

Me with an elephant at Elephant Retirement Park in Chang Wat

Me with an elephant at Elephant Retirement Park in Chang Wat

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Chiang Mai in Photos

Editor’s note: I’ve decided to stop giving Facebook all the ad revenue from my wonderful photos.  So I’m going to host them here instead.

CHIANG MAI – I traveled here with my brother Chris and my Cousin Eli.  There we met my friend Evan.  We saw some stunning temples, watched some Muay Thai fights, toured through exciting night markets and experienced a very interesting nightlife.  On one day we visited an elephant refuge.  That will be a forthcoming album.

The photos:

Chiang Mai International Airport

Chiang Mai International Airport

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