The Greg Nasif Blog Awakens

This is my first post in what I hope will be an ongoing standard – The Greg Nasif Blog.
To be sure, the mighty has existed for over a year and is proudly the something-billionth most trafficked website in the world. But I never knew what to do with the site; rather I was parking my car in this spot for the offchance that I would get really famous (or infamous) overnight for an insensitive tweet and someone would snatch the URL before I had a chance to gather myself. After all, look what happened to And that will be the last time I ever compare myself to Sarah Palin.
But after moving to Japan and seeing my friend and co-trainee Rob Milchling’s exciting blog, it occurred to me, after keeping a private journal for nearly four years, that it might time to begin publicizing some of my more interesting ventures. Indeed, I am writing this current entry on my three-year-old iPhone at a British bar in Kyoto, Japan.  Most interestingly, Brits around me are grunting and wailing about a soccer game on TV, in bizarre accents I thought only existed for comedic purposes.  It was a spontaneous decision to come here, and it’s these spur of the moment/everyday international experiences that I feel somehow as if I’m betraying a solemn duty by not publicly recording. No more. Today I give in.
I have had many writing projects rise and fall. This one, however, I am sure will succeed. It is really nothing more than a depot for my writings opinionated, news-oriented, or otherwise. Wherever I go, Whatever I do, I always find I have something to write. And after some ten years of including both alcohol and social media in my life, I finally trust myself to handle the traditionally dangerous combination. Thus this blog is invincible and not even a worldwide nuclear holocaust will destroy it.
More entries will follow, and since this technically isn’t even the first post, I guess it was completely useless.
Presenting the Greg Nasif blog.


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